Saturday, 10 April 2010


Hello from Laura & I.

Let me introduce ourselves, we’re two ladies that own online gift shops, (you can see them here & here) who came together in a mutual love of cat friends. if you were (un) lucky enough to have caught one of our twitter conversations before, they’re always along the lines of…

Cat is in the sink/handbag/my dad’s seat.

Cat & pint sized dog are snuggled in the same bed/fighting for the warm sofa spot/standing on me.

Cat o phones. (A special feline communication device. It works by the tilting or the head one way to make a call & flicking an ear to select a contact, tilting the head the other way would, obviously, end the call. An ear twizzle would open a text message. No plans for the cat o phone to have a text messaging feature, cats don’t need, or know how to text, don’t be stupid. You could check if they’re staying out all night or need some milk warming, just remember to top their phone up. Watch out for us on Dragon’s Den… seriously, it can happen!!)

Becoming famous pet bloggers, giving up the designing & jetting round the world reviewing pet products, being invited to all the shows. Probably having a bone shaped bright pink private jet or something… maybe that would be weird.

Our love of dressing animals as babies in our youth.

So yes, with the need to justify ourselves/google ferrets in trousers guilt free/discuss pressing cat news, we decided to start this here blog. You’ll find what’s new in the pet world, what’s cute, what’s just plain weird. It also gives an excuse to try pet recipies too. (I’ll have to get a little bone shaped cookie cutter) With a slightly chubby dog, I may have to find unsuspecting pooches to feed up. We’ll be reviewing products, featuring your pets & also pets that need homes. There’ll be plenty of cat & dog tales from me & lots of cats in sombreros from Laura.

I’ll be blogging on Mondays, Laura on Wednesdays & on a Friday you get to show us your pets!! Just email us pics of your cute furries & we’ll feature them on a Friday.

Enjoy your weekend & we'll be seeing you on Monday



OddSox aka Thesockgarden said...

Really cool blog - if you don't mind I'm going to put a link to it from my blog :)

edwina.simone said...

Of couse, that would be great :)

That's so sad about the cat tails... everyones got pet disaster stories... they have a habit of embarassing you at every opportunity!